Exciting News: Foundation of Goodness Now a Registered Charity in the UK

The Foundation of Goodness is thrilled to announce that we are now a registered charity in the UK and can accept donations via the following bank account:



CAF Cash Account Number: 00037235  

Sort Code: 40-52-40  

IBAN: GB29CAFB40524000037235  

Address: CAF Bank Ltd, 25 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4JQ


We are also in the process of registering with HMRC to become eligible for GiftAid. Once approved, non-corporate individual donors who are registered taxpayers in the UK will be able to apply for GiftAid, thus enhancing the value of their donations.


How to Apply for a UK Charity Gift Aid Declaration

  1. Complete the Declaration:  

At or around the time of donation, fill out a Charity Gift Aid Declaration form.

  1. One-Time Completion:

This document will cover the first and all future donations, requiring only one-time completion.

  1. Return the Document:

Send the completed form to Mr. Tom Seabrook, Trustee of FoG UK, at Mayfield Cottage, Weston Road, Upton Grey, Hampshire RG25 2RH.


This milestone marks a significant step forward for the Foundation of Goodness, enabling us to broaden our support network and make a greater impact. Your continued support is greatly appreciated as we embark on this exciting new chapter. Thank you!